Me [20 F] with my bf [23 M] duration, fleas are killing me and my relationship.

Are you currently in university or not? My college had emergency housing for people out of options. It might pay to talk to the counselor, too, my school had a free health clinic and a free counselor, and it made all the difference.

You may consider taking a shitload of turmeric and garlic pills, they will put the fleas off your taste and are good for your general immunity. DILUTED tea tree and lavender oil on your person, patchouli also helps. Fleas don't like bitter tastes, so if you have any bitter perfumes spray 'em on.

You could also consider putting Frontier on the dog yourself. It can sometimes be gotten as a "free sample" from a vet at low cost. Do you know anyone in your area at all?

Really sucks you're going through this, OP. My old friend from college actually left her boyfriend too because they had two huge dogs infested with fleas in their tiny cottage and he wasn't doing shit.

They had an infestation so bad you couldn't walk in their home. You could see fleas dancing on the carpet like static. The landlord of the cottage was my friend's dad-- when they vacated, he had to call a professional service actually.

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