Me [24 F] with my friend [42 M], is this considered creepy?

There's no objective criteria that determines whether behavior is creepy or not. Here's what I mean:

If the guy had been your age, and if you were already attracted to him, those two things probably would not have been creepy.

However, since you were not attracted to him (for any reason), and it seems like he was trying to hit on you, it felt creepy to you. Thus, it was creepy.

Interestingly, this has a counterpart to certain legal standards. For example in some jurisdictions, there both an objective and subjective critera must be satisfied for certain behaviors to be considered crimes. Assault is an example. In these jurisdictions, to qualify as assault a threat must be uttered that (1) any reasonable person would consider a real threat (the objective criteria), and (2) the person to whom the threat was directed must have felt threatened (subjective criteria.)

Both must be satisfied. So for example, if a non-professional fighter said "I'm going to kick your ass" to a 230 MMA fighter, while most reasonable people probably would consider that a viable threat (not objective), the MMA fighter probably would not have been concerned for his own safety (subjective criteria), so it wouldn't be considered assault. Similarly, if a McDonald's worker said "Here's your fillet-o-fish" to a crazy guy who then claimed the worker meant that he was trying to kill him, even if the crazy guy genuinely felt threatened, it would still fail the objective standard.

Thus, in order for something to be creepy, it must have been uttered to or directed at a person with some level of sexual intent (objective criteria) and the person to whom it was uttered must have found it decidedly unattractive (subjective criteria.)

/r/relationships Thread