Me [25 F] with my friends [25-29 M], most of my male friends hit on me, what am I doing wrong?

Hey, from a guy perspective, I really felt bad reading the response you got from the person above. Please read the whole thing before dismissing me

Not all guys are "bad", and not all guys are actively trying to sleep with you.

There's probably always going to be attraction if you find people that you share a lot of interests with, and you also look decent enough. That's just how it is with cross gender friendships. Perfectly normal.

The people you have found though, ARE FUCKING ANIMALS. I feel so sorry for you to have met such nasty people, and I just wanted to tell you, that there are decent guys out there, that would never NEVER NEVER do something like that to ANY girl under ANY circumstance

I'm not a guy of too many friends, but my two best friends happen to be girls. Sure, there is some attraction there. Again, that's only natural. That's a nature.

But to freakin rape someone??? Let alone someone you'd call friend?

That's not some ordinary guy. That is a fucking psycho, and this is NOT your fault

I repeat. It is not your fault.

You've met some horrible people. I felt very emotional reading your awful experiences. I'm so sorry you had to go through there.

But there are good people out in the world. Guys that would love to have a friend like you, who would NEVER do such things.

I know movies make guys out to always try to get in your pants, and sure, some guys are like that.

But not every nice guy is a "NICE GUY TM ".

Don't throw out all the guys just because some of them are assholes.

You might just need to be more careful with who you trust. And set clear boundaries. And if those boundaries are broken, then walk away, and don't come back.

Once again, I am so sorry for what happened to you :'( It breaks my heart.

There's just group of people out there, ruining it for the rest of us :/

I really hope you don't just dismiss friendships with guys, cause in my experience, my friendships with girls have been the most rewarding relationships I've had in my life. :)

So, give it some thought. Try to become a better judge og character, and be more careful with who you trust.

Best of luck to you, and I really hope you never get hurt again! Truly :)

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