Me [27 M] with my wife [28 F] 7 years, Wife venting to friend about things she doesn't like about me

Well, now that you know what she really thinks about you, what are you going to do about it? I think, to start, you need to do some deep introspection and get some understanding of to what degree her criticism of you are accurate.

A lot of it seems to be about your appearance, for example. Do you dress like a slob when you're around her, or just lounging at home? If so, maybe you could step that up a bit, buy some nicer clothes to wear when she's around. Pay more attention to grooming. Do you exercise regularly? Are you active and fit? If not, hit the gym.

Some of it seems to be about your personality too, she seems to have the impression that you're needy and overly dependent on her. What can you do to be more independent? Take up some new hobbies? Spend more time with your friends? Get out of the house more often? There are an unlimited number of ways you can step it up in that aspect of your life.

She doesn't feel like she can rely on you. Why not? Do you keep up with your responsibilities? Assuming you both work full time, are you doing your part around the house and with the kid? Is she bringing home more money than you? (some women resent a man for that). Are you keeping her happy in the bedroom? You're not spending hours each day playing video games, or something pathetic like that, are you?

Anyway, take some time to reflect on what she's said about you. Own your own shit, if some (or all) of her criticism is accurate, then step it up and own your problems. Take it as an opportunity to improve yourself, for yourself and your wife and kid, but do it for yourself first. YOU want to be the best person you can be always.

On the other hand, if her complaints are all just a bunch of bullshit, there's probably something else going on that you don't know about.

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