Me [30f] with my partner [33m] 4 years, he no longer wants to contribute to charitable causes, and wants me to follow suit.

It seems too intrinsic to your personality to ask you to stop this. It seems like he doesn't know or understand you.

I refuse to give any money to charity, I will only give my time.

I was also raised catholic and went to Catholic school/mass, even accepted many handout from the religions community because we were very poor. But, If I had billions of dollar I wouldn't give a penny to the catholic church.

But what the church has done to two of my friends, and nearly me, is unforgivable. Having the arch bishop move the pedophile to another church to "fix" the problem shows me what the administration in the church chooses to do with the money people give. So I hold anyone who support the institution in contempt.

But he doesn't seem to have any kind of justifiable reason, he just sounds greedy and selfish. If he has some moral issue with the charity I think you should definitely listen. But this doesn't seem to be the case.

Was he never ok with it and just went along to placate you?

/r/relationships Thread