Why Is Medicare for All Popular? Study Finds 34 Million in US Know Someone Who Died Because Healthcare Too Expensive. "Want to know what American exceptionalism really looks like? Here it is."

Pissed me off hearing CNN puckering up and playing Joe Biden clips from their town hall where he says it is elitist of Warren to tell people 'they can't have their insurance as if she somehow knows better then them'.

Yes, on this issue both Warren and Bernie do know what is best. I would argue your average American voter does not truly undertand the benefits a M4A system produces because they've known no other system than insurance. To add - no one I know preaches that they like their insurance, they like their doctor.

No other developed nation deals with this. It is an exceptionally American problem that requires bold solutions. Not spouting Republican talking points and saying you can deliver a system that insurance companies and right wing politicians would purposely undermine to the point of collapse only to say "we told you it couldn't work, back to the pile boys!"

Similar to how I truly don't believe politicians on that side of the debate want the VA to work. Why would they? It only proves that the system can work in this country and then they can't use it for political lip service come election season.

/r/politics Thread Link - commondreams.org