Meet my new immune system! Let's hope it beats my Lymphoma!

Is it similar to my story?

I never actually got the transplant but they did harvest my marrow, I was 7-8 when they did this which was '86-'87 don't remember the exact time; 4 years in a hospital as a child will do that to you.

I go in and they put me under and harvest, etc.

I wake up in bed in my hospital room, I can't feel my legs: concerned complications from the surgery may have resulted in their removal, I do a quick inspection and realize they are there, all good. I look up and at the foot of my bed is a rolling tv stand with a nintendo .

This is the greatest day of my life. However I am conflicted.

The pain in the lower half of my body is insane, I'm sobbing, every time I shift my body just shooting pain everywhere. Priorities though take precedence. I have never played nintendo, Coleco when I was younger but nintendo? Only in my dreams, whoever brought it in while likely thinking they were doing me a great service were actually tremendous assholes, the system and TV were off and the controller was on top of the stand and I can't fucking move.

I wanted to press the call nurse button, but in my efforts to move down the bed without help I had kinda fucked up my IV a little and despite the pain in my lower half being a magnitude greater than any IV insert I hated getting IV's put in and out, plus the bag was getting low and they might want to change it out, all this takes time and that time would be better spent playing nintendo.

I decide not to call for help.

Nothing in my life has prepared me for this struggle, fighting cancer? piss easy compared to this. I have the stupid guard on the bed which I normally hate but in this case is helpful because it allows me to drag myself down it. I manage to get myself half over this and start moving slowing down it, carefully maneuvering my IV machine along with me. At this point I kinda wish they actually had removed my legs because they were doing nothing for me but being painful and heavy.

After what seemed like a respectably short struggle I reached the opposite end of the bed, powered up the TV and the nes, then I grabbed the controller. I now had an IV Machine I would have to bring back with me and this corded controller as well, I was smart enough to throw the controller toward my pillow to ensure I had enough slack to play before I made my return journey.

About halfway back I got myself tangled somehow in the cords and my hospital gown I couldn't remove the IV that would set off alarms and unplugging the controller after this much work was absolutely not an option so I doffed the gown.

Now I'm naked. At the time I had this other IV thing that went into my chest like it was surgically implanted and for whatever reason was not in use this particular day, they opted for the hand IV , likely something to do with the surgery and having to access my hips from front and back. This thing is about a foot long tube which is taped from above your right hand pec where it's inside your body to your main artery and down to about your belly button. During my adventure and the removal of the gown the tape had come loose, this was that clear hospital tape which once it comes into contact with anything other than your skin immediately loses 100% of it's adhesive properties.

Now I've got 3 cords I'm trying to keep tabs on and oh yeah my legs still fucking hurt.

It was at around this point that my IV started to go into pre-alarm mode, whatever was feeding into my body was running out. It had apparently been quite a bit longer a round trip than I had imagined. I did however reach my destination and settled in to play some Mario Brothers; oh what a glorious day.

Then the nurse walks in and basically shrieks and enters a panic. The IV actually had morphine in it, this is important because while I shouldn't have even been awake or functioning, it also meant the pain wasn't even as painful as it could have been, and it's also likely why I didn't feel the cut where my chest IV was being slightly torn or the fact that my IV on my hand was bleeding or noticed that my body which was naked and my bedding was completely caked in blood.

This was the 80's and so it was mostly ok to just hop a kid up on Morphine and leave him alone for an hour and tend to the other kids especially if it was a heavy surgery day and there were a lot of recovery patients and such, plus this was a cancer ward and for the most part the kids slept 95% of the day and night anyhow. So it wasn't out of the question to not be checked on for a period of time.

So by the end of all this misadventure I didn't get to play, they had to fix all my shit and move my bed and without the overwhelming desire to play NES driving me forward the pain of the harvest came back in full force and that was that.

In hindsight I probably should have asked for help but video games are a motherfucker.

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