Men - do you refrain from sleeping with someone too early if you're looking to develop a long-term relationship first?

I think sex is a really important part of the bonding like I am not a "sex on date 1 or 2" kinda guy but also, I would never wait months at this point in my's just too frustrating tbh to really like somebody and want to be intimate and unless there was a very compelling reason, wouldn't be willing to wait that long...maybe that sounds crass, I don't know, but you're just not on the same page as me if that's the kind of timeline she wants.

Now, would I think a woman who slept with me on the first date was a poor match? Well, since we wouldn't be in my place or hers it wouldn't happen...but I wouldn't be "MAN SHE IS AWESOME BUT....."...if it's right it's right.

/r/dating Thread