Men in suits

Petty arguments about burqas and suits and what adults should wear and what not are useless.

The only question worth asking is this -- what will your nation look like in 50 years if you allow muslims mass immigrate to traditionally secular European countries, where said muslims more or less, depending on population numbers and established momentum, demand mosques for praying five times a day, halal food being available, separate activities for girls and boys at school, etc. What will your nation look like then, given 50 years or so? Does it matter if burka is a scarf, a dress, a tent or a freaking Batmans cape?

You are looking at transformation of culture hundreds if not thousands of years in the making, distinctly and purposedly different from Mohammedanian cultures that also have established themselves over same period, but in another context and with different constraints.

I do not like Allah, I do not like living by any book written by i don't know who for I don't know what (probably control). Why should I like religion where the motto is "submission"? I want it neither for myself, nor for my children who are not born yet.

I am not racist, but I allow myself to be critical of cultures I believe are inferior at least applied to certain demographics and geopolitics. I do not believe European societies benefit from becoming more "muslim" -- and not because I don't eat halal, don't go in a mosque or am afraid of terrorism -- but because given enough time, the self expanding nature of Islam (after all the book says Islam should expand) will become forceful, so we should stand ground while there is still elbow room.

I do not hate muslims, but I allow myself to be wary of allowing that culture (and it is a culture) to expand, because it invariably expands at the expense of my culture. It is only natural that I do my best to protect my culture.

I am not a hateful person, but I do not subscribe to globalistic idea that different people invariably should share the same areas just because the idea is so wonderful. Some people and cultures are more compatible with others -- we stand to gain a lot from each other, but should use reason to attempt to foresee future events. Nothing good comes from Islamic expansion, be it initially peaceful and rosy or violent like with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

I hope I am not misunderstood as some neo nazi person hating bitter right wing conservative. To cement this -- Europe may disappear and our children may not have the same choice to stay secular or choose their religion that we have today -- they may find themselves between Islam and prosecution. Q'uran needs to be rewritten, because if there is peace in Islam, then fine, but at least try to modernize it to exclude cases where people kill people with the book in hand, clearing their innate conscience. Christians arguably somehow managed it, more or less, just because Christianity has bloody history, does not make Islam better or somehow innocent today.

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