Why is it that men who are misogynists and even rape women can get laid but men who work hard and are good people can’t? (22M)

So basically you're doing the bare minimum, and you think being in Med school and starting a career in healthcare means you should be put first by any woman you talk to?

Being a nice, good, respectful, attractive, healthy person is the lowest standard to hold yourself and others to. You should absolutely be kind to people as well as yourself without reason. Being nice to women or respecting them thinking you deserve a date or anything more is manipulation. You expect the transaction of sex, dates, etc. without putting in effort outside of being a normal person.

Also, from what I've read in other comments, you knew someone was a rapist and did nothing? You didn't tell anyone or help the victims? Obviously, I dont have that much context based on a few paragraphs and replies, but it sounds like you said whatever because you assumed that's why said friend "got laid".

Women aren't inherently attracted to bad, abusive people. Real, genuine, abusive people/rapists mask and hide their true colors until their hooks are in you. There's no possible way that someone knows for a fact someone is a rapist or an abuser unless they're informed, or they knew the victim. As a 2 time sexual assault survivor, kindly drop that mindset. That alone is why you repel women.

/r/relationship_advice Thread