Mexico won't pay a cent for Trump's 'stupid wall'

Benedict Arnold, Perez Hilton, Heidi Fleiss ...

Where did I mention these 3?

Or is this your thing? You jam words in other's mouths?

Anyway, I doubt Trump will be the GOP candidate, let alone win the presidential

Welcome to Earth. He doesn't want to be president. Why would anyone take an 80% pay cut?

Fuck that noise. He just wants the spotlight and to be the mud flinger until Cruz or Rubio step the fuck up.

Then he looks like the bad guy, the look good, and the dems are self destructing.

Hey, did you know who was leading the GOP filed this time in 2008? Mike Huckabee!

Fuck him. These leads change until the most electable is chosen over who is best for the job.

As voters we are screwed, but at least you aren't a name calling asshole like some people here can be with s little back and forth so I'll ,+1 that.

I'm guessing it will be a Clinton vs. Rubio or a Sanders vs. Cruz.

You're right about Barnum. That guy was crooked as fuck. He invented being a Carney. He wanted to n prove how dumb people were and made a career out of freak shows that were fake as fuck and gleefully laughed all the way to the bank taking the world's cash.

That guy was obsessed with mocking idiots and proving to anyone how brilliant he bullshitted his way into a mountain of money.

What a character.

Trump will have nothing to do with this as far as almost anyone is concerned.

Also don't use the word meh. I already deleted it, but I made a confession bear post that said anyone who uses that word gets an automatic -1 for being wishy washy.

It's cringe to see MEH. I'll upvote yours, but nobody else. Fuck them.

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