Might it be illegal to use the female marked toilet due to the following reasons?

If you're all paid employees then why doesn't somebody, or even perhaps a couple of you, clean the damn bathroom? Lol

Idk about Australian laws, but if it's widely accepted and acknowledged that one bathroom is far greater than the other, it shouldn't be much of a surprise to anybody.

Pro tip: drop your deuce off at your house before going to work and most of your problem can be avoided.. with medical exceptions of course, like IBS.

And let's be honest, any time you take a piss standing up, it inevitably splashes some back onto your shoes. In other words, overall cleanliness will almost always be worse off than a women's restroom. Largely because we're heathens and apparently nobody at your workplace cleans up after themselves. Whoever owns or manages the property should be held accountable for acceptable accommodations, or lack thereof.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread