Millennials just can't catch a break

Made 8000 USD in 10 months working min-wage retail just less than 30 hours/wk without a set schedule or many jobs in my area at which i could have even demanded a set schedule due to depression of labor value (too many "unskilled millenials" in my labor pool). I got the only raise available to anyone non-management by working my way up to just below management in the first 6 months. I had been opening and closing the store for the past 3 months, and was on track for management... and got sexually assaulted at work. Lost that job last month (COULDN'T GO BACK TO WORKING WHERE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED AND A MANAGER DID NOTHING, FUCK YOU IF I WERE A WOMAN YOU'D HAVE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU FUCKING BITCH) and I really couldn't work in the same 10 foot area that had happened in where I knew something else could happen, and no one would care.

I used to make twice this working as a contractor for a slumlord, and he was fucking me over for those wages. Flipping houses in a shitty neighborhood is horrible for your health. I barely could pay my medical bills, but I did. Had that job before the retail one, right out of school. Lost it because the dude was a narcissistic 50y/o who acted like he was in his 20's (obnoxious 20's) WHO DECIDED TO PHYSICALLY ABUSE HIS WORKERS, WHO LIVED IN ILLEGAL HOUSING HE PROVIDED. NO FURNACE IN THE WINTER, BUT AT LEAST I DIDN'T DIE

You can be a hard worker, intelligent, and still LOSE EVERYTHING AND DIE.

Why do people still participate in this system? For the time you have a phone or access to the internet, look up how to live while homeless and just do that. Why the fuck should anyone participate or work, when the work has turned into a lottery of winners and losers, where doing hard labor with a work ethic won't make you money or guarantee that you will live?

Seriously, depression and anxiety alone suck, but you know what sucks more? Feeling like wanting to die IS THE NATURAL REACTION TO THIS. What's the point of avoiding the sweet embrace of death if this is all that lays ahead for the rest of my life? I'm not even halfway through my 20's. What the hell.

And you know what? These are all Millenial problems. The advice isn't gold. It's something that privileged people whisper to themselves at night to make the dark thoughts of the people who will never succeed go away. Like me.

And it's never going to end. We're driving this Earth into the ground, every day. Little by little. Our children (god forbid any of us bring another tormented soul into this world to be damaged, for fucks sake) will have even less than us. Why bother having kids? Millenials will never be able to provide them a life that is worth a damn.

All millenial problems. Fuck me, I hope it's over soon. But as long as I can smoke a little pot and not get caught by the police, I can stave off the depression enough to REJOIN THE WORKFORCE CITIZEN without offing myself.

Wow, sorry. I'm just gonna stop here. I can't really sleep while jobless and it obviously eats at my sanity, as shown here

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