Do you mind if I make a general venting thread?

Oh, time for everyone to take a turn venting? Don't mind if I do! I'm in a good mood right now so it might be kind of hard, but I'll try my best.

I have physically, face to face, asked out well over a hundred women in my life and every single one of them said no. Being 30 years old I am well behind the learning curve for dating and relationships and I feel like it is definitely too late to figure it all out. I have officially given up, I no longer ask women out on dates, flirt, or do anything to attract women. Why should I do those things anyway? It always ends the same way. I don't even feel bad about it anymore. I know that I am going to be a lifelong bachelor and it is actually starting to sound pretty damn good. I think I'm just too tired and jaded to give a shit anymore. I guess it is still possible that I will end up going on a date at some point, but only if she asks me out and let us be realistic here, that isn't bloody likely to happen.

This is how I like to explain my romantic life to my female friends (because they are the ones that just can't seem to understand what I talking about): Image no guy ever approached you, never asked you out, and never showed any interest in you of any kind. No big deal right? I mean you could still be the one that approaches them right? Well, you do that and every time you get rejected. Maybe there is something wrong with you? Time for self improvement! You work on your grooming habits, your social skills, you take up interesting hobbies, build up your self confidence, learn to become assertive, get in shape, dress better, and even get advice from some brutally honest people about what you need to work on. Great! You are feeling fantastic and decide to throw your hat back in the ring and give it another go! Only this time even more men reject you and the rejections are getting even more harsh, sometimes even violent. You don't understand what you did wrong, you did everything you were supposed to do, what went wrong? You decide to get a few friends to watch you next time you decide to approach a guy and everyone of them doesn't understand what happened. All you did was walk up and say hello and he told you to fuck off. Well, obviously you haven't done enough self improvement yet! You take some serious time to improve yourself yet again and once again everyone rejects you. You go through this cycle of self improvement and asking guys out every year and it always ends the same way. Universal rejection. Now you are a 30 year old kissless virgin that has never known love, never known intimacy, never know companionship. People tell you that you are an attractive enough, interesting, confident, good person, you shouldn't have trouble finding dates. Eventually everything that is human inside of you dies and you become a cold emotionless machine.

Sometimes life isn't fair. Some people live their lives alone involuntarily. It isn't anybody's fault, no one is to blame, that is just how the world works. Accept the things that you cannot control and move on with your life.

/r/AskMen Thread