Missouri votes against banning children from carrying guns in public

Stop it.

KIDS. CHILDREN. Should not be carrying guns in public.

That means when the gun fetishist scumbags "open carry" down to McDonalds because they think its cool - adult with them or not - kids should not be ARMED IN PUBLIC.

"Handle"??? A KID under 18 years of age should not CARRY a gun. Doesnt matter what state/city/county/2A jerkoff attitude - KIDS should not be armed.

Nobody said anything about going skeet shooting with grandpa or legally hunting/sporting/range, etc...Stop trying to pretend there is a problem where there isnt.

ALSO - this is the internet. NOBODY cares if you own a gun. Owning a gun does not add any credibility to you or your statement. There isnt any need to say - "gun owner".

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com