Moderation Questionnaire

  1. I'd like to be a mod so I can wield the power of life and forum death in my delicate, freshly moisturized hands. Also because I believe I would bring an impartial and detached style to the forum; drama isn't something I generate or tolerate.

  2. Yes; re-read them and now they're bookmarked.

  3. I'd get rid of the informal rule against mods posting, if it hasn't been eliminated already.

  4. I'd like to see common questions that occur with the same regularity of moon rise fleshed out via community input, edited, posted and stickied.

  5. I started out on Yahoo's DIY hormone forum, moved on to Susan's place and eventually found my way here when it was referenced at Susan's. Haven't been back since.

  6. My job is either busy as Hell, or not. Today I've been on Reddit at least 3 hours on an article I'm working as well as reading trans related posts on r/actuallesbians and r/askwomen. I'd say at least 3 hours per workday and several on my days off. So 10-20 hours per week.

  7. I held a senior position in Elite Mercenaries, a long defunct Counter Stike Clan, and currently am an officer in a Red Orchestra II clan. Duties include running and policing our servers, new player outreach, and editing.

  8. My skill set includes being articulate, clinically detached emotionally when involved on a task, and capable of multi-tasking.

  9. I work shifts and as such would be on literally anytime, any day of the week.

  10. Despite my HRT regimen which has made me much more emotional IRL, I've never yet been driven over the edge by anything internet related. I'm extremely level headed and hard to rile.

  11. I'd like the opportunity to serve, and learn more in this sub. I feel this is a family, with all the ups and downs that implies, but I feel a kinship and bond with our posters even though we likely will never meet.

Now there's an idea - an AskTG meetup!

/r/asktransgender Thread