A Modest Proposal: #ProtectTheTruth

This is basically an affirmation of the idea that 'the Left can't meme,' which is true.

According to cyberwarfare expert Haroon Ullah: “Recent research into both the Russians’ and the Islamic State’s models of propaganda, as well as interviews with defectors, unveil that: 1) people tend to believe something when it is repeated, 2) Russia and Islamic State fanboys gain the advantage when they get to make the first impression and 3) subsequent rebuttals may actually work to reinforce the original misinformation, rather than dissipate it.”


Some ground rules:

Don’t use any of his terms, images, or hashtags.

Ignore his antics — if you retweet it you can’t defeat it, and when you embed it you spread it. >

Deny him the virality he craves. Ignore his antics.

Shift the frame to focus on powerful, truthful reporting.

/r/politics Thread Link - medium.com