Money has less value to women.

Part 1:

Ok I've got a story here that falls right into what OP is saying.

Women do not care about money as much as men do

It's a reality I've discovered to be true many times. I'm over 30 and got my own business going. I've got a good few friends who also had their successful businesses but once the 2008 economic crisis hit and up until now many of them have had to fold up shop and this is where the "women don't care about money" part comes in.

Each and everyone of them are no longer together with that same woman. The woman didn't leave as a result of money being in short supply. They left all left as a result of the change in their men due to the financial problems.

Men are programmed to provide and if a man cannot feel as if he's providing he'll start to crumble

Each and every man is programmed throughout thousands of years to provide for their family, community etc. A man only feels as a full man when he can do that and many men who see their economy go to the worse start to blame themselves. They become more insecure, less passionate and some become depressed. They stop being what their women respected in the first place.

The mistake of the modern man

It doesn't matter if you were born in the 80s or the 90s, you still belong to the cucked generation.You belong to the generation that was told since we were young boys through media, TV etc. to be open about your feelings and emotions. We’ve been told that men need to learn to open up and talk about their emotions. We’ve been told by women that they want a man who’s open and shows their emotions rather than the typical old-school closed up man.

Many of us manage to keep our issues to ourselves but once really gets hard many of us make the mistake to lean into the person we have wrongfully allowed ourselves to fully trust, our wife or long time girlfriend. We start to tell them that we’re depressed, saddened or worried. We show them that we’re insecure. And the most common reason for insecurity among most modern men the lack money. When we feel that we no longer can provide as we used to we feel as if we’ve lost ourselves. We feel as if we’re not as much of a man as we used to be. We gradually slip into self hatred or apathy which will end up ruining our marriage etc. And once things go down shitter we blame women for only caring about money rather than understanding that they never did.

The reason they left is because they lost respect for you. You constantly complained, you didn’t put in enough effort, you became apathetic and you appeared to blame the world around you for your problems (even if the issues you complained about were true it doesn’t matter). By opening up to her about major life issues you opened a pandora’s box that cannot be closed.

At first she’ll start to worry about you. She’ll try to support you. She’ll ask how you’re doing and she’ll try to help you. As you’ve already opened up for her you’ll keep on telling her about your feelings each time she shows you support. While doing this you’re digging a deeper hole for yourself all while thinking that she truly is there for you and forever. But each time she does so she looses a granule of respect for you.

If you don’t manage to rebuild that respect a bit each time she’s lost some she’ll soon be out of respect for you completely. Once she’s tapped out there’s no way to work it back. She’s done and she will leave you. She might not even tell you why she left but the truth is that she didn’t respect you anymore. You became a wimp, a half man and a loser in her eyes. And no amount of effort you’ve put into making her life comfortable the years before this will save you. It doesn’t matter for he how much you sacrificed for her. You could have cur off a finger to save her life and she’d still not love you anymore. The relationship is done and all because you opened up.

So you see the reason many men think that women only care about money is because they see their failed financial situation as the cause for the divorce or break up. While it’s not completely untrue they fail to see that it wasn’t the lack of money that made the woman leave. It was the change in their own personality as a result of their poor financial performance that made them leave. And I’m not only talking about what I’ve observed I’m talking from my own experience and I’ll tell you about that as well.

/r/TheRedPill Thread