Monthly observations (February 2018): what signs of collapse do you see in your region?

so... I kinda stumbled on this sub by accident. Don't take this as trolling. Back in the early 90s I had a coworker (I worked at a NYC investment back then) who thought some sort of collapse was imminent and the shit would hit the fan and so on. Being young and impressionable and kind of attracted to catastrophe, I bought into it a little. Not a lot. But just enough that I didn't do the things I should have done as someone in my 20s like buy a house, think about starting a family, missed out on some good investment opportunities, and so on.

Well, the dot com crash came and went. 9/11 (I saw it first hand), two wars, two terms of a dipshit president (which one depends on which party you are :D ). I feel like all of those have barely left a scratch on civilization.

Now what? Global warming? Maybe in 100 years. But that's going to be a slow boil. Killer AI? As a computer programmer, it is my expert opinion that computers don't work so well when you unplug them.

What am I trying to say? I don't know - maybe that there's not going to be any sort of global collapse in our lifetimes or the next generation's lifetimes and civilization and the systems we've build are extremely resilient.

Anyway, I sure hope there isn't - I'm getting way too old to be able to enjoy a collapse.

/r/collapse Thread