Monthly Open Forum May 2021

My cousin bought a white dress to wear to my wedding, and I told her she couldn’t come if she was going to wear that. Now my mom is telling me I need to let it go to keep the peace, AITA?!

My GF came home from work stressed out one night and screamed at me that I’m an overly needy asshole when I asked what she wanted for dinner. The next day I wanted to talk about it and healthy communication but she growled to drop it. I thought I was in the right, but some of my friends think Im TA for not letting it go, so reddit, AITA?

My brother came over with his nephew unannounced while I was sorting my pokey man cards, and my nephew charged in through the door and started messing with them. He got fingerprints on several valuable rares and even tore my rainbow charizard while I tried to get him to stop and my brother just stood there smiling. I told them to gtfo and sent my brother an invoice for the destroyed property and he laughed at me over the price and said to sue him, so I did. Now my mom is crying at me over the phone every day asking how I turned out so bad that i valued toys over my family and I’m having doubts - AITA? Edit because it came up in the comments - my brother has always made fun of me for liking pokemon and anime and harry potter and other nerdy shit, and he’d break my toys and delete my save files. My parents just said, “thats just the way he is” and looked the other way.

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