More than 700,000 pledge to boycott Target over transgender bathroom policy

It's amazing how thin you people's arguments are against this. There's no slippery slope, and nobody is in danger. You sound paranoid and petty. If you live as a woman, use the women's room. If you live as a man, use the men's room. Stop sexualizing bathrooms. Who the fuck takes the time to check what genitals the person in the STALL next to them is rocking. Cuz that's what we're talking about...STALLS. There are no urinals in a ladies room, and men without dicks don't use urinals.

What's funny too, is that most of the other threads about this over the last few days have been overwhelming supportive of the trans community. So when laws are passed to imprison people for using the wrong bathroom, or some creep vigilante grabs a woman up, wrongly, people freak out and yell how silly it is. But here, when Target does the same thing, everyone's raging around with their discrimination cocks hanging out, saving the children, making the world safe for the ever threatened "real" women.

It's because it's people that shop at target, who think this kind of discrimination is ok. Poor white people, just like me, who can't afford to think beyond their fear of the weird, awesome sex they're not having. Seriously, you're going to tell a woman, who's been living as a woman every day for most of her life, that because she may still have a piece of meat where you don't think one belongs, that she can't use the bathroom she feels most comfortable in...because if she does, people are going to pretend they're black to get all the endless fucking benefits of that trip? Do you realize how insane, creepy, and downright dull you sound?

Of course you don't, you bought the dinner you just ate and underwear you have on at the same place.

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