Mormons and New World History. This article begs to be shared on social media with your Mormon friends and relatives.

This is a bit off topic, but what you've described is one of the things that i find to be the most difficult to swallow about Christianity.

That the creator of the universe decided to send his son down to earth, to deliver The Good News, which was to save all mankind, and instead of sending him to a city with scholars and historians and roads of communication, like Rome or Athens, or a great city in China or India or Japan, he sends him down to a backwater in the middle of nowhere.

And further to this, it seemed that the message he had to deliver wasn't impactful enough to propagate on it's own merits...he had to come back down again in a vision to Paul, and then send another vision to Constantine. You'd think the Creator of All Things could have just gotten it right the first time.

You'd also think that he'd make the message as concise and clear as possible...but here we are, two millennia later, with hundreds of revisions and translations in English alone.

You'd think at the very least, his message would have been recorded in the original language that Jesus himself spoke...instead we have what seems to be an oral tradition in Greek, that is then repeated several times over in the synoptic gospels, and the versions of stories in those 3 books of the bible often don't even agree with each other.

You can twist yourself into knots trying to explain this away, saying that God works in mysterious ways, and that the Messiah had to be born to the house of David, so as to fulfill prophecy, but the reality is, these inconsistencies stop being inconsistent when you consider them all as elements of a flawed human endeavor, created by flawed humans, just like us.

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