My [18/m] gf [16/f] of 8 months are almost definitely incompatible. It's starting to stress me out and I don't know what to do.

Holy formatting bro

Okay so this has been bothering me for a while, but I feel like I'm in a one-sided relationship right now. We go to the same school together and I'm moving off to university starting in the fall and don't want to be stuck in this relationship for that long.

I'm a very sensitive person, and she always seems depressed all the time, and because of that I become depressed. I find myself saying things that a boyfriend shouldn't say out of contempt because - for lack of a better description - she just pisses me off sometimes. There isn't anything that she's done specifically, and I've had this feeling for a while now in the back of my mind, but it's only been recently that I've started to think seriously about ending it.

What makes ending this relationship so much harder is that she seems to still be 100% invested in this, and it'd break her heart if I did this. One of the problems is that she just acts so immature sometimes, and because of that she's going to take this breakup even harder. That being said, I can't remember the last time we had a worthwhile conversation, and when I try to talk about why she's upset or angry or whatever the hell she's feeling at any particular moment, I get the same response: mumbling "I'm not." I just don't understand how she's completely invested into this and yet so closed off. This is starting to turn into a rant so I'll try and cut is short.

One of the big over-looming problems is that my grad ceremony is on June 4th, and she already bought the dress. I know it seems like something so petty to worry about, but I feel like if I just keep dragging it on past grad, it would be unfair to her and unpleasant for myself; however, if I end it soon then I will feel like complete sh*t for ending it so close to something she's been looking forward to.

So r/relationship_advice, should I wait till after the ceremony, end it right now, or try to fix things? I'm honestly incredibly stressed about this right now at a time where I should be focusing completely on school.

Anyhow, dude you're 18. Stop trying to force a relationship that clearly isn't working. It's not like this is the only chance you'll ever have to be with someone.

Sure maybe it'll break her heart, but such is life. It happens to everyone eventually. What's more heartbreaking is both of you staying in a relationship where only one of you is even remotely invested in it. Consider that it's better to break her heart now so that she can move on and find someone who is compatible with her than to stay in a relationship where you're unhappy and she's with someone who isn't really that into her.

If you end if before, hey she has a dress she can use for something else. If you wanna wait a couple weeks, whatever. But don't keep prolonging the inevitable. You both deserve someone you're actually compatible with.

/r/relationship_advice Thread