The Weird History of Asian Sex Stereotypes | Decoded | MTV News

Oh boy, the "every group has advantages and disadvantages" argument.

Do not assume that having advantages somehow balances out disadvantages. Using this line of reasoning often blindly justifying a hierarchy of oppression, and this leads to political apathy.

Also, internal factors is not enough to cancel out external problems. Having group advantages is not equal to societal advantages. They're different scales.

Some groups of people have it worse off disproportionately that no advantage can balance it out.

For example, the indigenous and African American populations have to live with historical societal abuse, and the psychological trauma that affects their ability to thrive and function in society.

I'm not denying that there are disadvantages that run so deep that no advantage can balance out. Then again, natural selection is amoral. We are reaping what each individual cultures have sowed through generations and generations of selective breeding. Only now are Asians aware of all these years of breeding subservience, obedience and humility into the Asian genetic code which resulted in the hyper feminine ideal that all men desire, but removed all forms of dominance, craftiness and rebellious traits that makes a man attractive. Meanwhile, middle Easterners have breeded away their scientific intellect of the Islamic Golden Age in favor for animalistic dominance which is why today they are the most violent people against women, Blacks have breeded for physical strength which results in them being among the most athletic beings on the planet, Aboriginals were too spread out between civilizations to contribute to any significant selective breeding advantages and Western conquests never allowed them the time to develop, and whites found the golden balance of most traits where they may not be exceptionally good at any one specialty but have a higher average in all skills and characteristics combined. This makes them the demographic with the highest chance to succeed in any given situation because they are better looking than average (but not the best), more intelligent than average (but not the most), more athletic than average (but not always on top).

I am not a self-hating Asian. I am self-aware and anyone can see this as observable fact, even though it might not be documented as such due to political correctness ethics.

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