Is my (22F) fiancé (21F) just terrible with money or unfortunate?

If we can survive that for a few years then it's more likely we're ready for what's ahead. At least, that's how I picture it.

Sounds like a good plan. However, I suggest you give each other another year to readjust to living together 24/7. Keep in mind, you're going to change a lot in the next few years. Long distance makes it often impossible to see dealbreakers for what they are.

There's also a good chance that I'd be able to financially support us both but again, just because I could if I had to, I would rather not unless absolutely necessary.

It really shouldn't be necessary. Always keep in mind... how is your SO going to survive if you're not around? You're guys are in your early 20s, hence, your SO needs to step up.

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