My [23F] mother [43F] is the most immature adult I know. This is the email she sent me...

I just wanted to throw down all the comments I got from /r/relationships before it was taken down so I can have them all together. Ignore this, guys.

Obligatory /r/raisedbynarcissists post here. I'm sorry your mom is such a tool, OP. :| I noticed she had you young and I can tell you that you are showing far more maturity at your age now than she is at her age.

All you can do is keep to yourself and let her live her life and her mistakes. Unfortunately if she wants to be wildly irresponsible, that's her right. If she's toxic, you also have a right to keep her away.

See also: Borderline and Narcissistic personality disorders

I echo everyone's comments on BPD or NPD traits. I empathize very much with you, and we just keep in mind that we can give up on having a better past. It's okay to look forward.

It will be ok. You'll be ok. This is likely the best thing you could possibly do. Some people will never understand why you have no contact with your mother, but don't let anyway let you think that what you are doing is wrong. At least you have your father. When I told my parents to never contact me again. It hurt so much. It turns out that my parents couldn't improve their situation so long as they had me to turn to, for advice, for money, or for some form of validation. I had to watch both my brothers get carted off to jail before I realized that my parents had been so selfish all my life. It was my turn to be selfish, and that was ok. You get to be selfish now, and that is ok. Now, you won't have to let your life be in turmoil to make your mother feel better. But be strong, don't let her try and get in touch with you again. Ten years after I stopped talking to my parents, my mother tracked me down because she found out I was an attorney and found where I worked on the state licensing website. I thought, well, its been ten years, surely things have gotten better... No, no, nothing had changed. Within 3 e-mails, she was asking me for money. Stay strong. It is the best thing for you as much as it is for your mother. If there is any way to get your sister out of that environment though... I couldn't save my younger brother. I regret that every day and now he is a registered sex offender. Call child protective services? Try to help her if you can. Good luck.

/r/offmychest Thread