My (23M) girlfriend (21F) started crying hysterically after finding out her ex (21M) has a new girlfriend.

My now ex acted like this..he had been single for a while when we met and told me he had been through a hard breakup. When he found out she had moved on to a new boyfriend he snapped his phone in half. I got to hear from him how he still had all these feelings for her, and even though I kind of already knew it that devastated me to hear. But I did the whole "understanding, people have attachments and emotions" thing because I loved him. Other than this one problem I thought our relationship was amazing and perfect. I wish I was honest with myself when this first happened and left. I spent another year with him. He'd wanna look through my phone, be suspicious of me cheating (laughable) etc etc bc of trust issues. I never saw it as a big deal until after finally finding out that he in fact, was cheating on me.

This is just my experience and yeah, people can change. But it's all spelled out here..she doesn't want to. She didn't block him when you asked her to, she's strangely hung up on this ex from years ago despite being with you. She's crying because seeing him with someone else ruins her fantasy of being with him. You know this. She might be extra upset because she cheated and got pregnant by him in an attempt to keep her relevant in his life and then got smacked in the face with him moving on with someone else. Not saying that's a fact, but prepare yourself because it's a possibility.

Demand the truth and please please have self respect. No one deserves to say "okay, second place is fine I guess."

/r/relationships Thread