My [27F] boyfriend [30M] took my phone yesterday

Don't get me wrong. I can totally see where you're coming from.
If your spouse is a cop, the chances that you're going to report him/her are probably way lower because the possible backlash can make it worse.
But I made that comment because my thought process was that let's say 1% of the population is a cop. The other 99% than isn't.
There needs to be way way more DV with cops to off-set the rest of the population.
It's unreported and just speculation.
I'm looking through some studies and I can't find a sources on any of this. Paywalls aren't really helping either.
The only relevant studies I can find to our discussion are:
25% of women experience intimate partner violence over their livetimes
70% of DV goes unreported

If you (or anyone) can link me some studies on this, I would love to take a look at them so I can educate myself on this topic.

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