My (27m) fiancée (27f) is upset I missed dinner with her parents to take care of my son (7)

i’m getting the vibe that it was probably your baby mamas presence that set her off. i can tell you from first hand experience that being with a man who has a child with another woman can be (not always but can be) very difficult and bring out insecurities, depending on history and all that. not saying that her reaction was okay, because she should understand that this was about your sons health and well being. but yeah, it sounds like she may have some big insecurities around that situation. if i am wrong, and it has more to do with you being there for your son over her family dinner, then that is still very much not okay, but also much less understandable. hopefully you guys can have a civil discussion about this when she decides to be mature and stops ignoring your messages. if she doesn’t come around, or the discussion doesn’t go well, it may be time to think about breaking up, since your son is, rightfully, your priority.

/r/relationship_advice Thread