My (31M) wife (32F) is OBSESSED with me being a "victim" of sexual abuse. How do I get through to her?

grow up and stop assuming you know everything about how someone feels when you can’t even comprehend their comment correctly. You fucking imbecile


As someone who has went through an experience very similar to OP, I think it is definitely YOU who needs to step back and consider how you're treating people. Everyone processes the same experiences differently, and how teens will process power imbalanced relationships has much more variability than younger minors on top of it.

You have directly called into question this guy's ability to be a good father because he recently admitted his sexual victimization. Whether this is the first step for him on a long journey of processing feelings of trauma, or simply him admitting something he's already processed and happens to not feel victimized by, you questioning his ability to be a good father for taking this step is absolutely MONSTROUS. Step back.

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