my boyfriend has a fetish for asian women

You know exactly which one it is, given the specific title of the sub he sent you. It is not only a fetish thing where you could imagine he admires your culture, your features ect. It says "for white men". It both aknowledges the fetish and the power dynamic, both between white and asian and men and women. He knows what he is(white man) and he thinks he deserves a specific type of woman(for). Not woman, actually. The cherry on top is the "girls" in the sub name. Even if he is not aware of it, it is what he likes. You are not obligated to educate him or to fix this.

Honestly, I cant get over the subs title.

The fact that he sent it to you shows that its not even a guilty pleasure he secretly consumes, this is what he wants from you. If I sent my partner porn, I show him what I like, what I want. This is not just a funny meme to share.

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