My ex-partner [25, M] was baker acted last Tuesday for burning things inside the house and hitting me. I [22, F] was assaulted with a deadly weapon by his friends the next day, and he stole my external hard drive.

So, have you changed all your personal information because "your ex stole your hard drive with all your personal information" yet? No, you haven't? Is that because he didn't lay a hand on your hard drive, you're in possession of your hard drive, and you're desperately trying your hardest to get any criminal charge pressed on him, just to ruin his future - one that's much brighter than yours, and always will be because chaos follows you, and everyone else with borderline personality disorder, everywhere you go? Have you made any public blog posts about how you're not just a "victim of domestic abuse" - that you're a "perpetrator of domestic abuse" as well? FYI, you're not a victim of domestic abuse, although you're an academy award-winning actress when it comes to playing the role of the victim. Read the police report. It's clear you two were mutual combatants.

On the TDVI, why did you fail to mention that the police report states that you and your SO were mutual combatants in that fight? Why did you fail to mention the physical injuries he sustained from you (giant bite mark/bruising on R arm, scratches on L arm, pulled hair) were far greater than the physical injuries you sustained from him (pulled hair and a little skin peeled from scraping your knee)? Why did you fail to mention that you sustained that scraped knee only because you collapsed on the floor so you can bite his arm hard enough to damage a tendon or ligament after you two grabbed each others' hair?

And most importantly - why did you completely destroy the bond of trust you ensured you and you SO had? "I'd never call the police on you - if I learned anything from the people I work with, it's that you don't call the cops on your family - I would only ever call the cops if I found out you were murdering people." Throwing kinetic sand on your bed is probably a few charges away from murder. You lied. You broke promises, oaths that you swore, repeatedly. As much as you claim to be so honest, caring, and compassionate, you broke a bond of trust that was so, so, so significant to him, all just in order to damage his life.

I love the way you keep the details covered in your posts. Remember when dating your ex-SO, and you made this post about how within a month of moving in you destroyed the house that he let you move into... and he only let you move in there because you said had no other options (you cried on hours about how your only options were moving in with him and going back home and losing your dreams of becoming a counselor - which is bullshit, seeing as you are living elsewhere at this very moment) - and then everyone in the post was downvoting you to hell because they could smell your bullshit through the internet? That you would play the victim whenever it was convenient, and you minimized every single action you too? Remember how they all agreed you needed to move out in August, then you deleted the post so your SO would never see it - sort of like this post? He saw it. He has it.

Your SO is waiting for an apology from you. For ANY of the many things you did. You lied all over documents under sworn oath of perjury, all out of spite and vindictiveness. You went from wanting to fix y'all's relationship - the last messages he received from you - messages from the day before - stating "I'm worried about you" and "I see you're no longer a Baker Act - let me know if you want me to pick you up" - demonstrating that you were, in fact, not in any fear that he would hurt you - then suddenly you're to filing a temporary restraining order when and ONLY WHEN you saw your SO planned on filing a restraining order against you.

And he didn't plan on doing so, in the first place. His mother did. He planned on going back home to you and working this out, the way you and him always did, for yours, no matter how dysfunctional, especially after those fuckers assaulted you. He wanted to see you after that. He was so worried about what they did to you and had no idea the extent to which they hurt you, and he still doesn't know what happened to this day, almost two months later - because on the last call he made to you apologizing for their actions, you hung up in his face. His mom wanted that TDVI because she knew how much he loved you, and he knew you would manipulate him into staying in his house, somehow, if that wasn't the route they took.

But of course, you went from idealization to devaluation in literally one day - the hallmark of borderline personality disorder. Hopefully one day, you'll stop texting his mom when you need to contact him, grow a pair of balls, and tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - if that's even possible for you. Maybe you'll finally do it after your case with those two girls is closed and they've served their sentences/probation. Your SO has no idea what happened the night of Dec 9 because he's only been given two sides of the story - the one the people trespassing on your property gave, and the one you obviously exaggerated the details of when filing that TDVI against him in response to him filing a TDVI against you.

I hope you recognize the role his mother had in this, trying to protect him from any more of your emotional, physical, and relational abuse. You were refusing to leave this house, even after being told on a monthly basis to leave, and after months of couples counseling where you two were working on whether you'd stay or not - and he went to couples counseling even though you weren't even a a couple! He just loved you! He wanted to have his old relationship with you back! You got your hooks stuck so deeply in him that he was planning on finding a way to continue this relationship that you "never wanted to end"... but that's not the truth, obviously. You hated him.

I read through your spacecatalyst tumblr when it was no longer passsword protected. I saw your multiple posts talking about wanting your SO to be and feel alone, forever, posted 3-5 months ago. About hating him. About "telling his mom he's a piece of shit - and it's great because it's all true." About being in "an abusive relationship you can't get out of", even though he was telling you to leave for months. Months during which you would tell him you love him every day in person, making him feel like the bond between you was worth more than anything in the world - lying to his face, while putting your true feelings on the internet and hiding them from him - probably in hopes of using them later in a court of law.

Know why you felt strange after watching Gone Girl? Because you ARE Gone Girl, minus being wealthy. You are vindictive, spiteful, and emotionally volatile. When you're ready to apologize, you have 40 different ways of contacting your ex, whose life you damaged emotionally, and financially, in the range of $8,000-10,000. Any financial damage you think he caused you is a joke to the damage you caused him. Any emotional or physical damage you think he caused you - once again a joke compared to the hell you put him through. And he let you put him through that hell, because he fucking loved you more than anything in the world - but you couldn't recognize that because you're a hole devoid of emotion. Your emotional needs could never be met by anyone. Nobody will ever meet your standards. Someone stuck by you for over a year while you had a mental disorder with repeated suicide attempts, all because he knew you could get better, - and you abandon him when he really needs you the most. Not only abandon him, but lie to him, and attack him.

Even if you're not ready to apologize for EVERYTHING you've done, I want you to give him the actual goddamn truth - not Version A of the truth from two people trying to defend their asses in court, and Version B of the truth from a pathological liar that is trying to ensure those two people rot in jail, even if all they did was try to help your SO out by getting him some clothes. You thought your friend was such a great person for driving 6 hr upstate to see you when you got Baker Acted - but when your SO's friends do the same thing, you deny them access to his house. All they wanted was a blanket and some clothes because psychiatric institutions are cold af.

This is the last communication you will receive on his behalf. He is awaiting your apology. You're awaiting yours. Both of you deserve an apology, and he deserves to know the truth. And he deserves the respect and love you always promised him, not the lies and deceit that followed 12/9. Don't be the textbook example of idealization/devaluation seen in BPD. Apologize and let the truth be known.

/r/relationships Thread