My(f26) bf(m27) made a comment about sex while connected to a discord channel with teenage girls who he plays video games with

Never said being a victim is what made me aware of what predatory behaviours are and again I explained what I found concerning and it wasn’t the comment itself so if you’re that bothered then you can read what I had previously written.

In general pedophiles don’t just automatically start speaking to their victims about sexual things a lot of the time they will test the waters beforehand. OP’s boyfriend making a loud sexual remark could easily be a way to test how the girls would react, would they disconnect? would they laugh? would they ask him questions about having sex while high? etc these are ways in which pedophiles who are grooming children test the waters before making outright sexual suggestions towards the victim themselves.

Now I’m not saying that this is what OP’s boyfriends intentions were I’m just saying in general once a predator has established a friendship/relationship with the victim he’ll then proceed to testing the waters.

Back to this particular situation though let’s say the man made this comment as an innocent slip of the tongue. His girlfriend then talks to him about it and tells him she finds it uncomfortable to hear him making sexual remarks around underage girls since it can be perceived a certain way and she finds it inappropriate. If he genuinely didn’t mean any harm by the comment he could have said “My bad I didn’t even think twice before saying that but I’ll make sure to be more mindful of what I say in front of the kids” etc. If his reply was something along those lines then she probably wouldn’t have been all that concerned.

The issue is that he justifies his remark by saying “he doesn’t have a filter” and he doesn’t see how that’s an issue when interacting with minors. It should go without saying that when you are an adult interacting with a child within any capacity you need to have a filer and you need to know how to establish appropriate boundaries. Firstly this whole “I don’t have a filter” thing is bullshit because I’m sure he has a filter at work in front of his boss and I’m sure he filters out his sexual remarks when he’s in front of his parents yet in front of a group of underage girls he suddenly can’t filter his words? like please find a different excuse

His refusal to acknowledge how his sexual remarks in front of the teenage girls can be deemed inappropriate is what’s concerning not the remark in itself. As I previously stated if it was a genuine slip of the tongue he could have just acknowledged his mistake and moved on but no he just continues to justify his behaviour.

Now I personally think this whole career background you claim to have is bullshit or at least I hope it is because you’re about as qualified to work with sexual assault victims as donald trump was to be president. It’s glaringly obvious what’s concerning about this situation and I’ll reiterate again it’s not the single comment itself which is concerning but his reaction and how he’s dealing with it is.

/r/relationship_advice Thread Parent