My favourite video about moon landings being fake

While I agree with this sentiment in a general sense, I stand by my initial statement as it applies to high speed cameras. First, let me say that I am not an expert on film photography but I still believe it was well within plausibility for NASA to create one should they have needed it. One didn't exist in contemporary commercial filmmaking for several reasons. There wasn't an infrastructure to playback the content and the camera probably would have been prohibitively expensive for studios. NASA did not have such a budget problem, they could throw $20 million dollars at the project and Congress wouldn't even blink. Furthermore, they had access to some of the best engineering minds of the time, and basically every rocket scientist in the western hemisphere. These were engineers who have tackled problems like making things spin faster and more stable their whole lives. There is certainly overlap in mechanically engineering a rocket and building a faster mechanical film camera. Of course, this whole arguement is pointless because they didn't fake the fucking moonlanding. But given the concentration of mental and financial resources at NASA during the period, they might have been able to pull off some wild footage.

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