My first thought was "not for long"...

  • I count every single calorie every single day until I have them all in memory. Seriously, we eat way too much in the west. I never realized it until I went to the Philippines and saw normal, healthy bodies that weren't stuffing themselves everyday. They ate very moderately but had good muscle tone and energy (which flew in the face of my old bodybuilder wisdom).
  • I keep my carbs low but not ridiculously so - "bulk" carbs come from sweet potato or 1/4 cup of rice (volume before cooking). I never combine them in 1 meal. I like sweet potato because of the low GI, and I like rice because of the volume - it really expands in my rice cooker, I think 1/4 cup becomes over 1 cup cooked.
  • So I'm getting 50g +/- carbs from that, and whatever else I get is incidental in my vegetables and small servings of fruit.
  • So breakfast is basically 2-4 eggs and 2-6 strips of bacon (in whatever combination as long as it's not over 500 cals), then lunch is an avocado or some nuts (or just a protein shake), and then dinner is beef, rice, tons of veggies.

I'm actually getting over 50% of my calories from fat, some days as high as 80%. The rest is about an even split between carbs/protein. I'm not really strict with my macros as long as I get a lot of fat. Sometimes I'll even do <20g carbs/day for a week, then bring it back up to 40% with fruit then drop it back down. I like to vary it.

Also IMO the best way is to eat the same things each day. If you know that x eggs, x bacon, x oz of beef, x cups of rice, x amount of nuts, x amount of broccoli = 1400 calories, and that's your target, eat that same meal every day that week, and then next week use a different plan that gives you 1400. This way it's varied week to week, but during the week there is no stress over counting, preparing, etcetc.

Just my approach.

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