My friend send me this today

All car owners suck. What happens is that people go in wanting a muscle car, but are used to driving a 4 cylinder Toyota or Honda so they don't know what to do when you start spinning out and they over compensate and spin out of control.

For all those who don't know; if you're spinning out, let's say your back end is going to the right, foot off the brakes and gas, you turn your steering wheel to the right and turn the steering wheel as your car straightens out and or slides the other way and keep going until you straighten out.

A lot of people are desensitized to exactly how much 300 Horse Power at crank is thanks to racing games and all that. A lot of V6 muscle cars are 300 horse power (Fun Fact: The Mustang Ecoboosts are 4 cylinders with higher stock horse power than same year/newer V6 muscle cars. Thanks Turbo Charge!)

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