my girlfriend left me for a guy she met in a ranked game AMA

Hey man, I'm not gonna BS you and tell you i know how you feel and all that crap, but what i will do is tell you about how i've suffered from depression and anxiety for over a long period of time now and how i went from almost killing myself to being exactly where i want to be right now.

Probably got depression by being put down all the time from ex-girlfriend who was smoking hot yet the most self centred person i've ever met i may add with size 6 waist and ~30gg breasts, family (middle child and only one out of 5+ that actual earns an honest living yet all of my siblings were praised and given things when they did good but because im smack bang in the middle and at the time i didn't really give a shit until i noticed they all got and i never), was bullied out of school so i just played hookie/truant (idk what you call it)until i was able to leave but i spent maybe 1 and a half year at secondary out of the 5 years i was supposed to be there.

Ended up going to college at 15 due to "being no point in sitting exams" made new friends (and enemies) and up until 2 years ago my life was pretty much just getting bullied or put down or being the butt of the joke and i would always escape to marijuana or computers, most of the time both...

But then i don't even know how it happened but during one of my really down phases i ended up going from a pretty great chef job to working in a fast food chain purely because i just couldn't be bothered with anything but i still had to make money to live/play lol/smoke/eat etc. So the day before i start my first day at the new job i go out drinking with my friend that got me the job.

We go out drinking and afterwards we end up at his with some of my future co-workers one female who stayed in the same block of flats as me, so at the end of the night(6am) we all go our separate ways except me and this girl with living in the same building and such. Because i'm working at like 8am the next morning i ask her if she wants to come to mine to keep me company and make sure i don't fall asleep and be late for my first day and she did!

We become somewhat friends (btw she had the hots for my friend and that then makes it a no go for me) and i ask her if she has any friends whom are single (i was purely looking for somewhere to put my penis, yes i know this is horrible but hey oh fuck you idc i was a slightly desperate guy xD), the very next day she comes to my door with a girl whom at first, it wasn't that i didn't think much of her she just didn't seem my "type" but holy shit was i wrong.

From there we didn't really spend much time apart, and within maybe 6-9 months we were looking at flats together which is weird because i'm the kind of guy that will drop everything and run when he hears the word commitment.

This girl pretty much brought me back from contemplating suicide to the point where i was in a beat down flat in a horrible area of my city doing nothing but smoking weed playing lol and going to work and sometimes illegal activities. I now live in a beautiful house in the country, i'm also a sous chef at the local hotel, i have a beautiful daughter who is just turning 5 months and an amazing girlfriend and best friend i've ever had who makes me feel so fucking wanted (i know that sounds weird but it feels great to know someone loves you the amount she does and that you love her just the same).

So all in all man fuck her she's the pathetic one that probably just made the worst mistake of her life and will probably be single in a very short time, bitches like that always do the whole jumping around thing.

Trust your gut and the next time you see or talk to a girl you like but you feel society or friends or whatever silly reason you give yourself wouldn't like or approve it tell the to go fuck themselves cause it could be one of the best decisions in your life

P.s I'm 24 now

TL;DR You may think you have the perfect girl but when you least expect it boom fucking soulmate right at your door

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