My grievances with The Red Pill.

1 - I feel that the emphasis on MRA subjects by so many actually dilutes some of the core foci of Red Pill. My opinion only, of course, as having the predominant feminist paradigm balanced with an understanding of where men experience social injustice was very influential on my reclaiming my own masculinity without guilt (a couple decades ago). But really, Red Pill "shouldn't" need the MRA stuff to be effective.

2 - No blame. It's human nature. We all have instincts and ways of being that we struggle with and can lead us into bad situations. Recognizing and owning those instincts and aspects of our nature gives us the freedom to operate outside them (at least to some extent).

This also brings up a distinction that is actually part of Red Pill but rarely emphasized - it's not that women are incapable of love, it's that they are (or even just may be, at times) incapable of loving a man the way he wants to be loved (my wife has even admitted to this, and I've admitted similar to her). If you really look at it, the "incapable of love" is really about him, not about her. Again, it's ultimately not her "fault."

3 - I think the "female loyalty" thing is another attempt at setting expectations. Men are raised to think that men, by nature, are dogs, and need the loving care of a woman to "bring them to heel." Women are seen as the more pure, more loving, more committed, more loyal party. And, as we all know, that isn't necessarily true. There is nothing about women that automatically makes them better at loyalty than men (says the guy who was cheated on by almost every girlfriend and left scratching his head until he figured this out).

4 - MRA, and not core to Red Pill, IMO. Are there injustices? Yes. Do they justify an extreme response? Not often, in my opinion, but that's a whole other discussion.

5 - MRA, again. I do think that a default "woman gets custody" is awful, but I don't know enough to make a sound judgement of the legal system. I do have three guy friends who have primary custody of their children (and they are incredible fathers), so I know it doesn't always go to the woman. And I do have one guy friend who struggles to spend more time with his son, and his ex is constantly attempting to keep them apart (physically and emotionally), and that situation is unbelievably heartbreaking. A father (or mother) being deprived the opportunity to love his children has to be one of the worst fates anyone can experience.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread