My husband [27M] lives life at a slow pace, and I [24F] don't.

Some people like going out. They have something planned for every day off and weeknights, etc. Sounds like how you want to be.

Some people like to go home and chill. Play games, watch movies, do hobbies at home. Sounds like your husband doesn’t see these activities as a waste of his time.

You can’t make someone like going out all the time. You can’t make someone like being a homebody. You two just don’t click in this regard and honestly I don’t know how you didn’t see this before you got married. Although I kinda get it, dating forces people to plan stuff even when those people like doing nothing, but they have to kinda put on a facade to date.

My suggestion is you make your own plans. Mention that you’d like him to go out with you more. Invite him but don’t expect a yes.

He should want to go out with you every once in a while but i’m with your husband. My weekend is full of gaming and netflix. My wife is the same way as me though, she reads and watches tv. We like doing stuff occasionally but we can go months without going out and doing anything besides errands and shopping.

/r/relationships Thread