My mighty friend, Nadyn Jouni, the "annoyingly feminist" member of our group passed away 2 weeks ago. She never got custody of her son. She never completed the journey. Her story needs to be heard around the world.

More context: Nadyn got married very young to an abusive cunt. She managed to escape that relationship. But thanks to a 1400+ years old law, the father gets custody of the male child from the age of 2 to the age of 14. Karam, her son, is now 9 years old. She moved mountains to get him. Founded NGOs that lobbied for women rights in Lebanon and the Middle East. But the "Jaʿfari" courts in Lebanon which handles all family matters for Shia'a families were too corrupt and felt safe enough with the backing of the "Hizbullah" militia to tear countless children away from their mothers.

Nadyn passed away 2 weeks ago in a car accident. Nadyn had more energy than the rest of our group, combined. She lived a life of misery away from her son thanks to backwards laws and patriarchal customs. But she always wore the smile of someone who knew she will change the world.

I saw Karam at the funeral.. It was the first time in my life that I felt like I couldn't speak. What am I going to say? how can I even begin to explain to you what you meant to her. all I could do was hug him tight and cry like a baby. He ended up comforting me. A 9 year old who just lost his Mom for the second time. But what else was I expecting, he is Nadyn's son afterall.

The last thing she wrote, just a few hours before the accident:

(rough translation)

"A picture of my son on the first day of school

This image does not exist due to the seperation of a child and his mother. But I get to imagine you the way I want, sweetie. Because we aren't allowed to see you, sweetie. Because we're being punished for the crime of being mothers. Fuck your [Islamic Court] day. Fuck everyday we wake up with a heartache."

May your soul rest in power, sis. We will keep the fight going until the day we finally meet you. I love you. And I am sorry for every time we fought over dumb meaningless shit. And that last fight 2 days before you left, we'll finish that in another life. You won't get away that easy you fucking feminazi. What kills me most is that when I'll tell your son stories about those fights, I'll have to admit how much of a jackass I was. And I just know that you'll be rolling the hash and laughing your ass off wherever you are at my dumbass.

P.S. the clip is from "Sex and Love Around The World" on Netflix, episode 3: Beirut.

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