My mother has lots of opinions already and I haven't even booked anything

Ah yes....the ever present mom who likes to come and treat your wedding like it's hers. Been there (still kind of there...LOL)


I am my mom's this came at us in full effect. So this is what I had to do:


"MOM. I love you. Honestly and I respect your opinion BUT what you're saying doesn't go in line with what I am envisioning for MY wedding. With all due got to have your wedding your way. Please let me have it mine."


She yelled at me, we got into a huge fight....but I stood firm and I told her in no uncertain terms would I change my mind, so she needs to please get on board....and she finally is. For now. LOL. But you gotta have that conversation.


For me? She was trying to have me invite my Grandpa's (he passed away before I was born) side wife's son (her half brother) whom I've NEVER met. And yes. That's right. SIDE WIFE. As in second wife that he had while still married to my G-Ma. LOL. But he totally grew up in older times where this was the norm. But IDGAF MOM. I'm not inviting these people!! I've never met them...and will only meet them ONCE at this wedding and then NEVER again.


Remind yourself that your MOM is being rude by forcing your hand. Don't...tell her this. LOL but keep that in your mind when you're getting into it.


And for reference, I come from a pretty strict family where talking back gets you backhanded but #sorrynotsorry mom, I'm a fucking adult and I'm paying for it myself. So back up. I almost NEVER talk back to my mom, but I needed to do it this time and I don't regret it at all.


Now she's all excited again about my dress. Moms are funny that way.

/r/weddingplanning Thread