My name is Alton Brown. I cook stuff and make TV shows about cooking stuff. My new project is called Good Eats: The Return. Let’s talk

My Dad died of leukemia in 2014. For the last 6 months of his life, he could barely get food down. He who is an avid fan of yours, saw you live when you came to Memphis, and watched every episode of your show. I tried to copy some of your recipes and invariably when I would tell him it was yours he would manage to get a few extra bites down. Thank you so much for easing his last few months. This would mean a ton to me but I understand if you have too much going on. I’m only asking this question so my post doesn’t get automatically deleted so if you don’t want to don’t feel obligated. If you have the chance is there anyway you could send a note to my mom?

/r/IAmA Thread