My NDad is being really creepy

I had a coworker do this to me a few months back. He somehow found out I'm gay and started being very suggestive with me. It was super cheesy at first, like "accidentally" dropping something so he could bend over to pick it up. Another time the A/C wasn't working over the summer, and he kept using the bottom of his shirt to wipe off his forehead, revealing his midsection. He'd also ask me too look at pictures on his phone to get my opinion on something, but there'd always be an extremely suggestive picture that he never had any idea how it got in there, teehee! Things like no shirt, clearly free-balling/VPL, flexing, one of those selfies where you can see the person's ass in a mirror behind them. It was harmless at first but kept escalating, making me uncomfortable. For what it's worth, he does have a nice body, but I would have preferred he kept things a bit more professional. The most confusing part was that he isn't even gay (or bi either, as far as he told me); he was just fishing for compliments.

The last straw was when I was in the bathroom using a urinal, he came in, went up to the one right next to me (which is totally against the unspoken rule against that, as he had 4 less intimate options to choose from), peeked over the partition and said, "nice dick, but mine's better, look?"

I was like, "yeah, I'll take your word for it. I don't want to see your penis," before going to the sink and washing my hands. He was super offended, and said something like, "I just wanted to get your opinion. I don't see what the big deal is." I mentioned how he had been making me a bit uncomfortable over the past month or so. At first he denied it or scoffed at me, but finally he owned up to it, saying he thought I'd appreciate some "eye-candy" (now that I think of it, he may have actually said "man candy" -- either way, super creepy). I clarified that it was essentially sexual harassment and that really set him off. After, he ranted at me for a good solid 2 minutes about how it was my fault and he should be the one reporting me to HR (I never said I was going to go to HR or anything). I was just like whatever, man. At least it got him to stop and I really can't say I miss it.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread