My pregnant gf took weed and I am so done.

So, when I was pregnant with my first I had horrendous nausea, I’d literally vomit 8-12 times a day. I couldn’t keep anything down my doctor gave me zofran which helped by making me sleep and once it wore off I was back to hugging the toilet. 6 months, I lasted like this, I had lost 20 lbs but my baby was somehow gaining weight so I was never admitted. I had always smoked weed. Before pregnancy I would smoke about an 8th a day. With my doctor’s knowledge I began talking two puffs before eating, not even a gram a day, and it worked. I was able to keep food and liquids down and starting gaining weight. I was already heavily monitored because of how much I was puking. After I gave birth I did have a visit from CPS but the case closed after one meeting and I explained the whole situation with documentation from my doctor.

Side effects; My son was born with PKU but that’s a genetic disorder and not due to smoking weed. In fact, doctors have speculated that the high protein diet most pregnant women are suggested to eat and my son having a metabolic disorder that can’t breakdown proteins is the cause for my sickness during pregnancy but that’s just speculation.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread