My sister moved into her dorm today, this note from her housekeeper was in the room.

Large school, and these were definitely dorms.

24 people per floor. (Four quadrants/wings per floor -- with six people to each wing -- 1.5 bathrooms and a kitchen to each wing i.e. four kitchens per floor). These were four to five story buildings, so ~100-125 students per building and like 5 dorm buildings next to each other in that area (on-campus dorms).

The other side of campus had another half dozen (on-campus) dorm buildings similar to these. There was also an (on-campus) 7 story ~50 people per floor dorm, with a cafeteria on the ground floor. Then another dorm nearly the same size that was (all girls). The university had also newly built / finished building some 'swanky' on-campus suite style townhouses while I was there. better description here.

There were also University owned off-campus townhouses (a division) designed for students who were married and had children. (Plus a multitude of privately run off-campus 4 to 7 story apartment complexes and townhouses on the streets heading to Campus and a street of 'Greek' houses that packed in several dozen students per house).

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