My team asked me to write down some Teamcomps for our ranked team, looking for some examples.

I think you're missing ice comp, though your Frejlord is close.

This comp is not only viable, it's brutal (tho recent nerfs have hurt it a little):

Top-- Lissandra

Jungle-- Sejuani

Mid-- Anivia

ADC-- Ashe

Supp-- Braum

Some notes:

All of these champs have at least a slow and a stun.

Between them, they have 9 AOE slows, 4 AOE stuns, and 1 mustache.

Altogether, if chained, they have enough stun/knock-up to stun a single target for between 8.5 and 11 seconds (the difference being the stun on Ashe's arrow scaling with travel time).

Two of their slows are toggleable, and are applied indefinitely on an area and single target, respectively, as long as mana allows.

They have 3 repositioning spells that can wall jump, allowing strong dragon/baron contests (or escapes!) over the wall, as well as having two skills that provide direct vision when cast (Anivia's wall gives vision around it).

Every champ but Braum has strong wave clear that can be used to push lanes, siege, or defend-- meaning this comp can do well vs split pushing or siege compositions, especially since every champion has an AOE CC ult, so their teamfight potential in a 4v4 is still very strong, even when a teammate has to leave to clear a lane.

Ashe/Braum in particular are incredibly strong together, with Lucian being the only ADC who has better synergy with Braum than Ashe, imo.

Ashe's also arrow applies the 'Chilled' debuff that gives Anivia's E double damage -- allowing her a free use of E without her other abilities.

Ashe and Sejuani ults provide a perfect opportunity for Lissandra to ult a priority target and Anivia to separate off members of the enemy team with her wall-- turning any team fight into an easy pick.

With two strong tanks, two mages that typically build RoA and often some resists, this comp is beefy.

Additionally, all of these champions scale extremely well into the late game (Lissandra the arguable exception), with two of them being lategame hypercarries-- Ashe due to her insane base attack speed scaling, and Anivia with two 1.0 AP scaling skills (Q/E). With mid-late game being about teamfights and how hard your carries scale, this team comp is in a great position to dominate.

So what's the catch?

There are 3:

First, Ashe has no mobility skills at all, and one of the slowest move speeds, making her much more vulnerable than many other ADCs, including other hypercarries.

Second, the team's damage is entirely magical except for Ashe, which can make it vulnerable to teams stacking resists.

Third, the team universally has a weak early game-- meaning if it is dominated early, it can be put behind enough to lose before it scales.

Sorry for the novel! Hope you enjoy. :D

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