Former religious people of Reddit: What made you say "Nah, this ain't it chief" and turn to atheism?

Wall of text: Have never been religious but my mother was. I got kicked out of Sunday School for asking too many questions the Sunday School teacher couldn't answer to convince us and I had to go to adult service because I was influencing the rest of the children. Church for grown-ups was too advanced boring for an 8 year old so my mom let me not go.

Later on, the schools I went to were multicultural and while I was open to exploring other religions, I had to wonder if a god or gods exist, which one(s) are they? It didn't make sense. Gods from Greek mythology were considered as real as the one from the Bible at one point, what happened there? Why are they imaginary and not this one? Imo religious texts are allegory but who's to say whichever person in charge of writing the transcription at the time didn't add something they wanted in there and just passed it off?

Then you have to wonder about sick children in hospitals or children born with crippling birth defects - why would any god allow that to a pure, newborn soul? Repeat for every other atrocity that occurs in nature and mankind. For some reason I do believe in a higher power only because of cycles in events, patterns found in nature and synchronicities that can't be random. Been noticing this since teen years. I'd be considered spiritual agnostic maybe?

/r/AskReddit Thread