Name a hero you desperately want to be good with but aren't, and then someone else give them tips to improve.

BASTION Everyone thinks they're good with Bastion and that it's just too easy to counter and thus not worth playing, but honestly if you know how to play it well you can handle most any counter, short of an entire team switching just to focus you.

Protips: -Git gud -Ideally stay medium range from the area you're guarding in sentry-mode. Short range makes you easy to kill and too far away and you won't be able to do enough damage (though you can poke people if you have a team doing good damage). The sweet spot is just outside of Roadhog hook range. -KEEP MOVING!!! Unless you're behind a Rein shield and have allies around you, then KEEP MOVING. Plant yourself somewhere for a bit, pepper some damage, get an elim or two, then move somewhere. Once people know very well where you are AND that you're pestering them, someone will flank or focus you when you're not protected. -Genji: Genji's like killing bastions with deflect. It gets them off. However because of this you can usually know exactly when they're going to deflect. When you lock eyes with a genji, if they don't deflect immediately then fire a very short burst at them and then stop. Likely they'll deflect then and you can just sit there staring at them as they wave their arms around for naught (or heal yourself a tiny bit). Then they'll usually dash through you and try killing you while dancing around you. It takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it you can start firing right at the end of their deflect and take out most of their health without doing much damage to yourself, and then finish them off while they dance. -Hanzo/Widow/Pharah/Soldier76: Don't get sniped... It's that easy. If you get hit once, mobilize and move. Don't try to take out a sniper unless they're in medium range or have no cover to duck behind. This is why you avoid going sentry in somewhere that's too long of a range. -Tracer: Tracer's ult is a pretty definitive counter to Bastion and an easy target for her. If the enemy comp has a Tracer AND a Genji or someone else with a hatred of Bastion I generally switch. However you can still fight a tracer by positioning yourself in places where she can't get to (or can't get to without being right in front of you) and keeping track of when she has pulse bomb. Ideally when you know she's on the hunt for you, you want to be in recon mode. -Always go recon mode when Widow uses her ult and stay that way until it's gone (you can just wait a while til it feels safe). -Use the environment to your advantage; try to position yourself as a sentry behind an obstacle that doesn't limit your target area (like a choke or doorway) but will hide at least some of your body from return fire. Examples are the rocks in first point Hanamura, the pole in front of the car at Eichenwalde's choke, basically any obstacle you can use to limit your field of view to -Don't be afraid to rain down on a location even if people aren't there yet. -Going from Sentry to Recon and back takes the same amount of time as reloading; -Tank configuration is good for when you get ulted; before you know Tracer ults you, during a Zarya ult, or just when you know your enemy is ulting. The extra armor is worth more than the damage, since you do more as Sentry anyways. -Don't bother going for Rein shields when in tank-mode. Either rocket jump into him (l2rocket jump) or just focus other people. Tank is for squishies not for other tanks.

/r/Overwatch Thread