Nancy Pelosi isn’t going anywhere. Will it help or hurt Democrats in 2018?

I hope she is unseated if she can't adapt to what's important.

Apparently she has someone trying to challenge her seat, and he seems much more progressive. Stephen Jaffe

Restrain U.S. military adventures The U.S. has been in a perpetual state of unnecessary wars for decades. All of these military incursions should have been avoided or ended by diplomacy. America cannot continue to make unilateral interventions abroad. I support humanitarian relief efforts.

Pass single payer health care Health care is a moral right of every person. The U.S. is the only highly industrialized nation in the world which does not provide universal healthcare (Medicare for all) to its residents. I will join with Bernie Sanders and John Conyers to pass HR 676 or a similar single-payer bill. Universal health care does not cost more than our present system and reduces waste. Small and new businesses will flourish because entrepreneurs and employees will have their health expenses met by society. Single-payer now!

Free and open internet This is a First Amendment issue over which there can be no compromise. Corporations should not be able to decide what we read and see based upon who will pay the most. Further, internet privacy must be greatly enhanced.

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