[Need Advice] My Life has had no hardships, no adversity and has been too easy for me.

I'd like to say first of all that how you define your own success, is success. It sounds like you are comparing yourself to some of the most interesting people out there. I'd also like to say that one thing that helps me, personally, stay disciplined is BEING GRATEFUL. I have routines I do just thanking the universe and everyone in my life and truly trying to FEEL it. As long as you aren't an ungrateful spoiled cunt use your position to help other people. That's called sacrifice, which can be a very helpful practice.

I had a rough childhood blah blah and later on lots of trauma violence drug addiction you name it it reads like a book. I won't belittle myself, I can't believe I am alive, I made it, I am filled with a great love and appreciation from this and it took incredible willpower on my behalf. In my eyes I am a success. Listen. I am making great money now but up until recently I was not. Nothing changes. It is more for me to share. I don't want to go on about it. I am surrounded by successful people who connect with me on this level. I dont want to sound like I am bragging.

I'll tell you what i think it all boils down to having LOADs of experience. Good and bad. My crazy childhood has made me a crazy person. There are many things I wish I had a better grasp on and a social life seems impossible for me. I am very envious of people who had an upbringing like yours.

I have some pretty extreme hobbies... It's one way I vent and get a sense of adrenaline. I would think this is your best route to go. I've been skateboarding and snowboarding a long time but this summer I rode my bike through the mountains from Banff to Vail. Look into doing stuff like that for adversity. Put yourself in a situation looking off of a cliff. Literally. And jump.

This is what is crazy to me. I am addicted to this kind of disaster. It wasn't by choice and I do this rather than pursue other kinds of conflict like I used to. I'm 26 and I've seen the world and done more than most anyone my age but I've been to prison. I spent a year in psych wards. All my friends and dead and one I saw get his head hollowed out in the street. The rest a slow decline into drugs. Your family gets fucked up and so does some of your opinions. This is the sacrifice to me.

Wealth isn't important to me. I am a great success in my eyes because of all the adversity I faced but more so because I still have my health and my sanity. It's not the adversity. ITS BEING GRATEFUL and seeing how beautiful things are. Connecting with these things and the universe and helping people. It's finding out absolutely how meaningless institutions in this planet are yet seeing the beauty in our ability to accomplish it as a people. Radical acceptance. It is just the adversity that helped me see this.

I think you can get there by challenging yourself. When you read these books you see the success but see the horrible things too please. I've been through things I wouldn't wish on ANYONE. I feel proud because I'm the 1% who made it out. Funny enough my only other friend who did is a successful musician now. Just bought his mum a house. Almost made me cry. Because he understands. I wish I could explain this. Just having to grow up when you are eight years old. I got a ride yesterday w my landlord who grew up in a project in NY and we clicked immediately. In his Maserati. And these things happen all the time. I hate to say it but id almost compare it to being in the army or some sort of secret society. Weve seen the same shit and we have the same mindset and understanding. The same drive.

Sorry that was long.

There are plenty of things you can do to challenge yourself. If you've grown complacent and inconsiderate you ARE that person you described. Define your own success and challenge yourself. Complacency will kill you. Fast and treat your body with respect like you deserve. Help others. God I can't believe I typed this up.

Sometimes you need the bad to see just how fucking great everything is. That was the case with me. You have such privelige and seem like you are in a great position to help others. Here you are talking about adversity and i bet you are sitting there with an emergency fund. Give. It. Away. Mr adversity. You talk about being a pussy but try and just go to a bad neighborhood and volunteer your time somewhere. Talk to some people. See if you can live like me and your jayz for a day motherfucker. Rent a motel for a week and try to find a job, just for fun. See if you don't get your fucking clothes taken you asshole. Making a mockery of it and ignoring how absolutely horrible it would be to be in 50cents or Oprah's shoes. You don't feel like you can handle because you couldn't.

Do what you can do to improve yourself. Mountaineering and long distance trials are the best I can think of because it is very athletic but considerably more of a mental challenge.

I don't mean to sound like an asshole but people chasing what you are chasing generally can't fathom what it is like. You had the building blocks we had to fight and hurt people for and starve over. So if you are doing nothing to help these people who you are so desperate to sympathize with you can kindly go fuck yourself. I don't want to make friends here. If you measure success by your money you are a cunt. We figured out life and health and happiness all in the face of some disgusting crimson demon of life trying to bring you down every step you take and we didnt give up. Never give up.

I hope that rant gave you a little insight on how I feel about facing adversity and what you could do to put a little healthy adversity into your life. Just know its not nice and it is scary. When I ski off a cliff its not fun at the time, its fun afterwards. Think riding a bike 1800mi is fun? It is afterwards when you've pushed yourself and you are still alive and have learned even more about your body and mind and how much abuse it can take.

/r/getdisciplined Thread